Divine Flow


The highest respect is to pay attention. Perfect attention is meditation. In meditation there is no past and no future. It is Nitya karma, eternal activity. In paying respect, one attains victory over death.

This is the story of how I met Arya through meditation and deep presence...

My Beloved,

I remember our first meeting as if it was yesterday. It was a Wednesday afternoon. I decided to do something new. Fresh beginnings. I was welcomed into a beautiful temple space. I was already there for a while, mingling, in awe from all the beauty I was surrounded with and then it happened. She entered the room. I turned towards her and she bowed before me. She looked very natural, genuine and confident as if she couldn't care less what others thought of her. With here mere presence, she stood out from the crowd. I immediately felt drawn to her. She came across soft and gentle but I imagined her also having this wild, unique and mysterious side.

She danced around the room and suddenly came my way. Our paths crossed. I smiled at her. When it was time to chose partners for a meditation, we magically ended up together. There are no coincidences. We sat down and gazed upon eachother for a while until we were in our own comfortable bubble. We lost interest in the world around us. There was only us. For the duration of the meditation we would be Beloveds. She would be my Queen and I would be her King...

I slowed down my breath and focused on my senses, the portal to the now. I counted the duration of my in- and exhales and proceeded to calm myself down. Then I closed my eyes and took a really deep breath. I exhaled deeply and connected with my intentions. I asked myself: "Why am I here? What do I want to experience? Why her?". I listened until I got my answers. Trust. Surrender. To be in service. To connect deeply. She represented my connection to the whole. To be in Divine flow. I checked in with my heart, body and soul for a full YES before proceeding. I turned inwards, to stillness and then waited for some somatic experiences. I experienced them as sudden movements of my body. Subtle but very noticeable. I took a few more breaths. My ears started buzzing. These are experiences I'm all too familiar with when I'm in this meditative state. This is when I feel centered and grounded, alive and extremely open and receptive. The pitch was getting louder. It was time to move.

I opened my eyes again and we smiled at eachother. I felt nervous and a little tense. I smiled and we moved very slowly towards eachother in what felt like an eternity. I could feel all sorts of sensations in my body. There was me, there was her and then there was the meeting. There was an invitation and we had our first kiss. We played together. She began to hum, to sing, just for me... In the meditation that followed, we moved as One. It was not me or her who moved but we were moved. It is when the musician says "I was merely the vessel. I was played". It is when the writer says "The poem didn't come from but through me". We were played by a higher power. It is when we go into this space of not knowing and trust and surrender, that the magic happens. Our time together felt timeless. We resonated in an ocean of depth. What the heart cares about is resonance. Resonance that opens and feels like home. She felt like home.

She told me her story of transformation and how she got her spiritual name.

There once was a frogmouth owl, a wise animal with a great reputation of forecasting the weather. The owl warned all the animals that the big rains were coming and that they should look for higher ground for the next few months. A lizard who was sick of everyone listening to the owl, decided to ignore the owl. When the rain came the water began to rise and the lizard found himself slowly beginning to drown in the water. In his desperation to keep his head above the rising water, he realized he was able to swim! When the next wet season came he was able to teach the other lizards how to swim and the lizards began to live in both the water and on the land. All the other animals where in awe of the lizards and thought they had the courage of the dragons from many years ago, and thus named them the water dragons!

I named her Arya. In Sanskrit language it means noble or honorable and it was used as title of respect.

I see our parallels. How we walk the same path of transformation. To trust and realize I already have the skills but just need to remember. To experience for myself and to not follow the crowd. To sing my own song. To be the dragon. To teach others to also expand in deeper states of consciousness and to fully enjoy the human experience. All in Divine resonance...

May we flow and grow as One. May we rise in Love. May we sing our songs together.

With the highest Love & respect, your Sacred Warrior...